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If you become ill

Avtalsgruppsjukförsäkring (AGS) is a group sickness insurance that can provide you with extra money when you are on sick leave and are receiving compensation from Försäkringskassan, the Swedish Social Insurance Agency.

How the compensation works when you are ill

  • On the first day you are ill, you must report the illness to your employer. 
  • By law, you will initially receive sick pay from your employer. This means that you will receive approximately 80% of your salary. 
  • Once you have been ill for a week, you must submit a medical certificate to your employer. 
  • After 14 days, you can receive sickness benefit from Försäkringskassan, the Swedish Social Insurance Agency. Your employer must report your illness to Försäkringskassan first, after which you must apply for sickness benefit yourself.
  • After 14 days, you can get extra money from Avtalsgruppsjukförsäkring (AGS), a group sickness insurance.

Apply to have the opportunity to receive extra money

When you are on sick leave for more than 14 days, you must register and apply for compensation from Avtalsgruppsjukförsäkring (AGS) with Afa Försäkring, a Swedish insurance company.

Important information about AGS

  • You must be below the age of 66.
  • You must have been employed at a company that has a collective agreement for at least 90 days. You can include employment with previous employers, provided you worked there within the past two years.
  • You have been able to work at least 25% for a week.
  • The compensation is paid out from day 15 and at most until day 360 of your period of illness. If you are on long-term sick leave or if you are deemed not to be able to return to working life, you can also apply for additional money from AGS.
  • If you leave your employment, you may be entitled to receive post-employment cover. This means that AGS can continue to apply for 720 days after you have left your employment.

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